I got your package!
This week has been great! I'm definitely learning some patience, and how to bite my tongue. It's been a real test for me but I think I'm doing better. My comp is really OCD! haha. It's kind of fun to play around with though. He does things without even knowing he's doing them. Like he'll go around and shut the lights off or straighten my jacket so it doesn't get wrinkles or put the toilet seat down. So just for a little fun I'll put a wrinkle in the table cloth to see how long it takes him to fix it haha. He usually gets it right away. Have you ever seen Monk? That's my companion haha. He's a great Elder. We worked really hard this week! But didn't see a WHOLE lot of success as far as new investigators. The people from Spain didn't show up to the Mexican Party :S but it was a great party still! I'll go print some pictures and send them off when I can. These computers are definitely less than I'd hope for so it's almost impossible to send pictures.
Elsi is set for baptism on the 25th of September! We announced it in church yesterday!!! WOO!
My spanish has really grown in these past two transfers. I don't really have to look up grammatical things anymore, it's mainly just words I haven't heard before. Right now I'm working with subjunctive and conditional statesments though and indirect / direct objects! Fun fun!
We ran into a bunch of JW's this week which really kills me every time. I just want to bible bash with them but that definitely won't get us anywhere. But what frustrates me is the lies they plant into people and they make people so attatched to them that you can't convince the investigators that they can use their own brains!! I asked a person studying with JWs "How do you find out an answer if you have a question?" (after reading james 1:5) She said "ask someone with more biblical information than you." AHHHH BNO!OO!O!O!I!NO! NO! FALSE! One guy told us God doesn't communicate with man anymore, so I said "Isn't God the same today yesterday and forever?" And he said "definitely!" So that made me a little dumbfounded for a second... Come again?
I feel like I'm on crazy pills! It's like I'm walking around with a backpack full of a million dollars (eternal life with God) and saying "I'd like to give you a million dollars (eternal life with God)." and they say "NOOO way, only millionaires can have a million dollars." It blows my mind! Oh well. We continue fighting I guess.
Well, not much else is going on.
I love you and miss you!!
-Elder Susan