Elder Conner Allred
61 Shawmut Ave. #2
Central Falls, Rhode Island
I totally forgot to tell you last week that I'll be training and that I was moving. Oh well. Anyway, my greenie is great! Elder Phillips is from Las Vegas and he's a great kid. His spanish is really pretty good and it's been a good first week! The elders that were in Central Falls left 5 weeks ago because one of them went home early, so we walked into a dead area -- but, now we have 6 investigators (4 thanks to the providence elders) and a half a page of contacts, so we've been working hard. Elder Phillips and I click really well. It's so great. He's a lot like Mickey Dailey haha. So we have a lot of fun together. He's not into cars, but his attitude is very much alike -- very ironic and inteligently humorous.
It was hard to leave Bridgeport -- I loved it there and I miss the people a lot. The people are mostly dominican or Guatemalan here, they all tell me I talk like a Mexican haha. They all speak in Vos, which is weird. It's like more informal than Tu form and it only changes present indicitive and present subjunctive, so it's really easy to learn and use. It's just weird to me though. We had a great little party with the people in Bridgeport and it really made me feel great. I'm going to miss the people there, they were so great. :( But, life moves on. I'll see them again, one day!
Our house is a huge dump, it's disgusting. I fount a garrapata (tick) crawling on my shirt the other day after I got up from praying. So I called Sister Pehrson to see if we should spray, she said no for now, we'll see if I just brought him inside or what happened. But I murdered him with a knife. Our utinsil drawer had only 8 cucarachas in it! I hate our house. It's really nasty. The area is a lot more ghetto as well. Our first night we didn't get home until 8 p.m. but I still took Elder Phillips out to scare him haha. We walked outside and some dominican kids yelled out "Los Mormones!!" So I yelled back "?!Que Onda!?" They definitely didn't realize we spoke spanish. We shared a little bit about Christ with them, one of them is an inactive kid. We said a prayer with them and then after that we went home and planned.
Well, I can't really think of much more at this point. We are having fun moving in and getting everything rolling! I feel honored that President Pehrson trusts me not only to train, but to basically open an area!! Que Chido!
Los Amo
-Elder Allred
Pictures: Saul and us
Stephanie Perez and Me (Inactive Member)
Elder Phillips and Me
p.s. I got the book!