Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Hey! I don't have much time, we have an appt soon and the lib was closed yesterday. So!!
iPod - Red
d:Fi - Green
Shirts - I'll send you a letter.
Tacey is getting HUGE! It's really weird to see that!
This week we found 2 new investigators from Guatemala. Nora and Gabriela. Gabriela is the daughter and Nora her mother. Nora has two kids in Guat that are already members, they are progressing nicely and should get a baptismal date today.
At church I had to translate from English to Spanish in front of the congregation! It was pretty nerve racking but it went well. I didn't know I was translating until 5 minutes before, the high-councilman asked me to translate his talk for him. Needless to say I was nervous, but the spirit helped me out a lot! It was amazing, as I was up there I felt really calm and I felt like I could pretty much collect all my thoughts. His first sentance was a hypothetical sentence "If it weren't for the restoration, we wouldn't have the priesthood, or know of the true nature of God." "Si no fuera por la restauracion, no tuvieramos el sacerdocio, ni supieramos de la naturaleza de Dios." It was intense, went really great though!
Anyway, not much time left, we have an appt in 5 minutes! Love you!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Conner's current address

Elder Conner Allred
61 Shawmut Ave. #2
Central Falls, RI



Another interesting week in Central Falls has passed, this upcoming one is the last of the transfer actually! Time flies!

It has been getting really cold lately but we haven't had any snow yet. I know it's bumming out Elder Phillips because he just wants it to snow already! haha.

We went by the pentecostal family last week and they didn't show up! I sure felt good though because we weren't the ones to wuss out! It really goes to show who has more faith I think. We left a note and they haven't called. I hope they do.

I'm not sure when we are doing calls yet, but we'll know soon I'm sure.

Thanksgiving; we have been invited to a lot of different parties! So I'm not exactly sure, but we'll be ok! I think my sizes are the same. A purple iPod would be great. I think Elder Hansen might buy my iPod so I might sell it to him, but if you need it for someone at home let me know. I don't want to have two iPods, I already think it's a little silly to want a new one, but it's so shiny!!

Raymundo y Dinora ignored us sunday. We had a great lesson on Saturday night and committed them to be married, and they were iffy but said they'd pray and then go to church on sunday. Didn't happen, wouldn't answer the phone. Maria y Fernando didn't come either... And we committed Maria to stop smoking last Friday -- she didn't smoke all Saturday!! Then we saw her outside this morning smoking... Really frustrating. That's about all the exciting news about our investigators this week. Hopefully we start so see some fruits.

I feel like P-Days are a day to finally worry about our OWN salvation. We spend so much time worrying about everyone else it's finally a break to just sit down and enjoy the blessings we get haha. I got really frustrated last night because an investigator (Manuel) told me that we are OBVIOUSLY going to read the scriptures and pray etc. because we're preachers, but NORMAL people just don't have time. I WANTED TO CHOKE HIM! He clearly must be turning off his brain when I tell him that I have a family at home, I went to school full time, I had a full time job, I had a life!!!! But I made time for God because the time I have is given to me from God anyway! I then held up a card to him and told him about Jesus Christ, he didn't do ANYTHING for himself. His whole life was according to the will of the Father; yet Manuel doesn't want to take a few minutes out of his "busy day" to read the scriptures. These people clearly don't understand that church isn't just a fun party every sunday, it's your salvation! You WILL be cast out if you don't do what you are supposed to! Anyway....

Anyway, we had a dinner appointment with the Majangos family and it went really well. We talked about finding a testimony and patriarchal blessings.

Love you!!
I'm Praying for you!!

“…pues sabemos que es por la gracia por la que nos salvamos, después de hacer cuanto podamos” (2 Nefi 25: 23).

-Elder Conner Allred

p.s. I sent you a picture of us doing our laundry last week! We didn't have the washer because the elders in Pawtucket never answered their door.

Monday, November 15, 2010

November 15, 2010

I think the manual is just about right!
Anyway, this week hasn't been too eventful. We did teach a pentecostal family though -- they were completely insane. So I'll give you what happened with them.
Elder Phillips and I were knocking some doors in hopes of finding some people to teach (obviously, why else would I knock doors...) anyway -- we knocked on a door and a girl about 15 answered and we asked her "Who is this in this picture?" and she answered "Jesus Christ" then her father came over, great! So we asked him a couple questions, if he has a faith in Christ... etc. I noticed his daughter was wearing an abercrombie shirt with a dress, this was my first clue. He then invited us in, next clue, and then I felt like I was in a polygamist home. His wife, and 4 daughters all were wearing normal shirts with dresses... hard-core pentecostals. I was quite scared to say the least. I could only imagine what was going to happen next. I was afraid he was going to start feeling the holy ghost and murder me. We talked to him for a little and he said "So you believe that you can drink, just as long as you get drunk, DON'T YOU!?" (it was more of an attack than a question). So I said "no, we don't drink at all." and then he said "You have one day where you can dance as much as you want, DON'T YOU!?" and I said "No, we can dance every day!" He thought we were J.W.s, he was a little confused. So we shared a message with him about the Book of Mormon. He asked me about baptism and he said "Do you know why we need baptism?" And I said "el que no naciere de agua y del Espíritu, no puede entrar en el reino de Dios." He was a little caught off guard because you could tell he thought I wouldn't have any bible knowledge. He then said "Yo no se si tu sabes, pero si una anade a la biblia..." and then I cut him off and said "The plagues of God are added unto them, it says it in Deuteronomy, too." He said "Yeah, and if someone preaches a word other than the word of God..." and I cut him off again saying "He is of the devil so says galatas." He was obviously surprised, so I explained to him that if he read ezekiel 37 he'll find information about the Book of Mormon. But, it was surprisingly a good lesson. We have another appointment with him, so who knows! If he converts, I know he'd be a great member, so we're going to pray about how we need to approach them without just bible bashing, because people have been doing that since Christ died and look what that got us... NOTHING! Just a gazillion churches and a bunch of confused people. So, we're going to simply enter and testify that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God.
Not much else has happened this week! Our family (Lopez') didn't come to church :( but we're still praying. We continue to work hard with them. We had an awesome lesson about Lehi's dream in 1Nephi 8! We took an old lamp we have and taped real leaves to the shade so it looked like a tree and then turned all the ilghts off in the room. We took apart our clothes rack and used an aluminum pole from it to be the iron rod and then used the TV as the great and spacious building and we took them piece by piece through the dream Lehi had. It was way fun! It was a neat way to show how it really must've been. The tree had the light and then everywhere else was dark. Hopefully they took something from it!
I love you and I pray for each of you. The Book of Mormon is the word of God. This is His church and it is run by Him. The authority of God resides in this church and none else -- this is the way, Jesus Christ is our Savior -- He knows our needs, weaknesses, strengths, and desires. He's our advocate with the Father, He will plead for us at the last day, "despues que hacer cuanto podamos."
-Elder Conner Allred

Monday, November 8, 2010

That's good to hear about Pete! I hope he's going to be ok.
Those big bunch o' babies. When I get home I'll show them how to really eat spicy haha. They think they know spicy until you have home-made chipotle by a real mexican lady. That'll make your nose bleed!
Our ward has 4 elders, so the area is split. We visit the members in North Providence and Central Falls. They visit the people in Providence. Well, as of late, the members from providence have not been feeding them but instead have been inviting US over for dinner! Kind of bad, but also funny. It just goes to show, sometimes, you need to let go a little bit and have a laugh. One lady said "Are you coming to Thanksgiving at my house?" And I responded "Sure!!" So she went to ask the other elders if they wanted to come too, she told us that Elder Hansen said "Well, the point of these visits is to strengthen the spirit in your home, not just feed us." So she responded "Oh, well I won't have time for that, my whole family will be there." And walked away!!! I couldn't believe it! Elder Hansen is right, and I agree, but there ARE exceptions. Elder Phillips and I have actually been doing something kind of cool -- whenever we go to eat, instead of just leaving a simple "spiritual thought" we have started by doing the actual PMG lessons. So we're teaching these families the first lesson etc. So hopefully it will excite the members to bring more friends over to eat! So far it's working for us!!
Christmas, shirts -- more long sleeved shirts. I don't know what size I am, I can send it to you next week. GIft Cards are awesome. But I'm not really in dying need of anything, I'm pretty well off to be honest. I have every color of sharpie you could ever want, what else do I need?! I'm going to try to sell my iPod and buy the new nano, so if you know of anyone that wants my purple iPod at home -- let me know. It doesn't have a camera, but it can play video.

This week we found a new Mexican family! Raymundo and Dinora! They're fantastic, really catching on to the gospel. The husband was ok with baptism on our first visit when we talked about it. Dinora was a little set back, she has a really strong belief in la virgincita. But she said she wants to read, she also told me "Tu dudas de que voy a leer!" I was taken back! But it was a little true. She told us she actually loves to read and so we left 2 chapters with her. I think they'll make a great family in the church. They ahve one little daughter, Leslie and then it's them two, perfect! They've been married for 5 years and they talk openly about how much they appreciate one another. Raymundo told us how much he appreciates the fact that she is a good mother and cooks. I thought it was awesome to see that kind of love in not only a regular family these days, but a hispanic family, where the men are usually pretty hard-headed.
We are continuing with Maria, Fernando and the family. Hopefully things go well with them. We had a great lesson about families with Maria and Fernando last week but the kids didn't show up. Hopefully they took something from it. We found out they are not married, so we need to work on that as well. Lots to do in so little time! But we can do it! I can't think of too much else that has happened this week to be honest. Elder Phillips is doing great. We still have tons of cockroaches -- gross. Oh, and I made a delicious breakfast for myself this morning, you won't believe it unless you see it! So I attatched a photo.
I love you all, please pray for me!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov. 1, 2010


There was a lady in Bridgeport that asked for a blessing for her dog. haha, maybe.... No. Well, I'd rather he be put to sleep than struggle. How did you know he was sick? That dumb cat.

This week the weather was pretty good but it's starting to get really cold! It was 70 the other day, we didn't have to wear our jackets, but now today it's like 40!!! It's pretty annoying.

Smallest City in the World at 1.29 sq miles
over 18,000 people in it
7% graduation rate
92% hispanic

It's almost like the garden of Eden.
Last week we had a cool miracle! We were walking around contacting and we talked to this lady on her porch. She was outside smoking and we started talking to her. She is from Guatemala and as I talked to her I finally just asked "Are you a member?" and she nodded her head, she told me she was baptized when she was twelve. I asked her about her testimony about the Prophet Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, she said she still believes. Now she is married with 4 kids. Her husband is Mexican. Her 17 year old daughter has a 6 month old, so I'm sure that has got to be hard. They are such an awesome family. The father seems VERY family oriented. I have great hopes for them and I have been praying and fasting for them very hard. I really hope they can see the happiness the gospel brings! This family could change so much.

I'm not really sure what else happened this week, we have been showing the ward that we are hard workers and the ward is very grateful. They told me "We could have another Elder Rogers" (They worship him here) but that was very flattering. I think Elder Phillips and I could do a lot here, and we already have a pretty good teaching pool! Maria's family (Guatemalan) is our biggest hope right now, so we'll just keep praying and hoping we can find more like them.

Spanish continues to be a challenge, but I feel like I'm at the point where I can say whatever I want, now I'm just being picky and trying to figure out how to say things in a more complicated way haha. But I'm really enjoying it.

I love you all, I'm praying for you.

-Elder Conner Allred