
This week has been pretty slow! We're trying to find new investigators that actually want to hear the message now and transfers are coming up next sunday. So we'll see if I get moved or not. I doubt I will, but we'll see! Our most interested investigator right now is Stephanie. She is 21 Years old, has a 2 year old daughter and one on the way. We ran into her at the bus stop and gave her a BoM and then the next day, she was walking out of a nail salon and a car jumped the curb and hit her! Her 2 year old went flying about 5 feet in the air and she rolled over the car, broke her nose, and lost her two front teeth. She has them in now, cause they were able to find them, but her nose is a little swollen still. Amazingly, NOTHING happened to her baby or 2 year old! All is well!
We called her the other day and she said "Wow! it was a miracle you talked to me. The next day this and this happened and in the hospital all I had with me in my purse was your book. Can you guys come over sometime? Is that ok?" haha, we said "Of course that's ok!" so we went over the next day. She seems really interested and she's a total sweetheart. Her mom even invited us over for dinner sometime! Her sister, Nemesis (19) is also going to start sitting in on our lessons. It's going really great with them!
Rosa is our next closest I'd say. Flor is a recent convert from Peru and she lives with her sister Rosa, brother, mom Vilma, and dad. Vilma has been taking our lessons and likes it, but won't be baptized unless all her kids want to. She doesn't want to rip the family apart. Randomly, a girl in the english ward started talking to Rosa at school and Rosa said "if you go with me I'll talk to the missionaries." so Kayla told us about this, I talked to Flor (who is ecstatic) and we're having a lesson with Rosa, Kayla, Vilma, and Flor this Thursday! So that should be great! It was pretty funny because when we talked to Rosa about this, we were visiting with Flor at the time so we were there in person. Rosa started talking about how she is getting ready for senior prom etc and I said "I never went to my senior prom!" and Rosa looked at her friend, then me, then her friend, then looked at me again and said "Will you take me to prom!??!!" hahaha. I got asked to prom on my mission! haha. It was hilarious. We explained how we aren't allowed to even hug girls or anything. Needless to say, she was a little bummed out to find out she still has to go with the guy that asked her. haha. It was a pretty funny moment though, she was dead serious -- how funny.
Did I tell you a girl named Fiorella Munoz might call? She is a member here, she's 20 and she is going to school in Utah but she's on vacation here with her family for a little. She may call because she likes photography and needs to find a cheap SLR. So I gave her you and Scott's number. I figured you two could help her out.
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