This week has been pretty sweet! Not too much exciting news, but no bad news either -- so it's been great! Rosa Lozano dropped her baptismal date, I almost cried, I was pretty bummed out. Everything was going so well and then BOOM Satan got to her. But! She went to the english ward with a friend from school and her friend is a recent convert, her name is Katie. Katie asked her about it and Rosa said "I just don't feel ready, I feel nervous." Katie responded "I felt that same way... Rosa, You're ready, get baptized." WOO! Back on track! Members are so important for the conversion it's insane!!
Last Sunday the South Elders had a baptism of a lady named Shirley. She wanted an older man in the branch to do it (we're not sure why) and it was the most interesting baptism I've ever been to. It was his first time and of course, hers as well. He finished the prayer and she wouldn't really let him tip her back, she started chanting "Gracias Senor" as she was kneeling down into the water and she wouldn't hold her nose, so people start saying "Nariz Nariz Nariz!!!" (only in the spanish branch would people yell in a baptism). So President Pehrson said "Have them do it again." So he did the prayer and Elder Pacheco tried to talk them through it, as she is KNEELING once again She is saying to Elder Pacheco "Si, Hermanito, Si." And finally, after the 4th time, the older man just DUNKED her, face first! hahahaha. It was so great. Everything ended up fine, she was happy, he was happy -- and of course, everything went ok in the end.
Dunia Vazquez, an investigator of 4 years is GETTING BAPTIZED! We talked with her and then put it down! We said "Dunia, we feel you are ready to be baptized, June 6th we will be holding a baptism, will you prepare yourself for this date?" And she agreed! The whole branch is excited because she's basically a member anyway. We have been keeping in contact as much as possible and always repeat the words "Le Queremos!" We're really excited for that. She is from Mexico and we have noly taught her twice in the past. But I have always had a great interest in her because she seems so great. So I feel like Elder Urrutia and I just came in at the right time.
Today we are on exchanges and Elder Urrutia is up in Windsor with Elder Furness. So ELder Winfield and I are here holding down the spanish North of Hartford. Of course, Elder Winfield is an english speaking elder so I've gotten some great practice so far. Last night we went and did some contacts -- I'm amazed at how much spanish I actually know! It's been great practice for me and I'm excited to continue the day.
On Sunday I talked to Geannina's mom for about an Hour and a half. Jim is white and Geannina is from Peru, they're a younger couple in the branch. Geannina was baptized with her mom 3 years ago and Jim is an RM from the LV English mission. So communication for them at the beginning was interesting haha. Geannina, her mother, and I talked just about whatever came up. Why I'm out here, our families, her divorce, my parents divorce, the church, hobbies, etc. It was amazing practice! So I have been really grasping spanish a lot lately. It's going great!
Well that's about all the time I have for today, we have an apt at 11. Did you pay off my credit card yet? There is an outstanding balance on my card for $50 unless you and my dad paid it off (shoes). Everything is going well, I can't really think of anything I need -- just more prayers.
I love you all and I appreciate your love and prayers.
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