I have read parts of that book (Rough Stone Rolling) out here actually. I absolutely love it. Not many people know that Joseph Smith had some alcohol problems! People find that to be a huge fault in him and mull over it for hours and it's hilarious because just look at our family and the amazing things that have come out of the alcohol abusers in it. We gave some blessings last night and it went really well. I gave one to Ligia . After her's Elder Trujillo gave one to Pablo. Pable is the non-member. After the blessing he was trembling a bit and was trying not to cry. He said "Porque estoy como asi, elderes?" At the same time, Elder Trujillo and I both said "El Espiritu." It was a really special moment.
Good news!!! ELSI HAS A BAPTISMAL DATE!!!!!!
We were all in class yesterday and right after the closing prayer I turned around to Elsi and I said "Are you ready?" and she said "For baptism?" and I said "Yes. Let's set a date for 2 weeks from now." And she thought about it. then said "Lets make it 3." WOO! 19 of September she's going down! How cool is that!? Her husband has been drinking a lot but they're working through things. I wish she would have told us that earlier. The Elders Quorum Pres. was an alcoholic. I knew he was having some issues like that. Elsi's husband I mean. So we're going to start working with him tomorrow. Really exciting!
So for your Pizza and Pickup-Lines you should read through Chapter 10 in PMG. It talks about how to ask questions and listen. Very useful tools for any situation!
This week we didn't do much finding. Elder Trujillo is about spent. But, all is well.
well. I love you and I'm praying for all of you. Make sure to tell annabeth Hi for me. I'm praying for her and Sarah. Love you all.
Elder Conner Allred