We had a baptism! She actually showed up! Helps when the rest of the family are members though. It's been a really cool experience to watch this family grow from where they were to where they are now. I believe the husband is even working on a repentance process so that he can hold the priesthood soon! They have their eyes set on the temple now (she even has the Buenos Aires temple pictures bookmarked on the computer) so that was a big win for everyone! I can understand why it would be difficult in Spain to have baptisms, the people are much more educated. But, when you baptize someone like that, they are usually much more solid. Easily converted, easily led away. So sometimes it's good to have to fight a little.
I miss Elder Rogers! He was a great companion, I learned so much from him in 6 weeks. He was a great example and I'm glad I get the chance to fill his shoes in Bridgeport. I feel like if I can fill his shoes here, the people will be very greatful. Even if I can't do EVERYTHING he did, as long as I try and show that I'm trying, they'll be greateful. They've had too many missionaries here that get too comfortable and slack off! So I'm going to do my best not to be a slacker!
Elder Trujillo, does SOUND like a native, doesn't it? He's 4 generations from Spanish (spain) ancestors. He didn't speak a lick of spanish before his mission and was raised in idaho. His dad is in the army and they have moved from places like Texas, Atlanta, Germany, Idaho, and a few other places. He'll be finishing his mission in 5 weeks so I won't have him for very long either! I'm excited to see what happens afterwords as well though. His goal is 8 more baptisms before he does home. 7 to go, and 6 after this Thursday.
We got a referral this week from Massachusets! One of their recent converts just moved here and she is frome Cape Verde. So my portuguese is being tested again! I taught 2 lessons this week in portuguese! Of course, it's not perfect, but the Lord really helped me out! I was able to speak on the phone with her and also teach those lessons all in Port. What a blessing!
Well, this week should be quite busy. New trainings and baptizing sure can be tiring! haha. But truly, I'm greatful that the Lord has allowed me to watch the changes in these people and allow me to be changed by them. I would have never understood the grace and charity that people have for others unless I served this mission. Veronica and German, weeks ago had nothing. Now, they still don't have much, but they are blessed with food on the table, and a little more work. 100% more than they used to have. They even feed us when they go over. It's hard to eat it because I know they don't have much, but I am so grateful for their service to us -- what great people we have here. Their hearts are just so darn pure, every last one of them here. They're great.
In one of those pictures, I think I'm not smiling... I was pretending to be a Mexican. Mexicans don't smile ahha.
How's Brinleast??? Hope she is good, I miss her. I miss all of you. Shaydyn looks great by the way in the picture you sent me! Has she been dieting still?? She looks really good!
Send some pics of fat pete and zorini!
I love you!
-Elder Conner Allred
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