Monday, July 18, 2011


Thanks for the kudos on the photos. That's the home where we live! We're really roughin' it, aren't we?

This week I made a really funny connection with some of the mannerisms Elder Horton has to Chris, they're somewhat alike and it's funny to see that.

It's interesting you talked about that missionary who's dad died while he was serving. Elder Horton and I were talking about that and what we would do if a loved one passed away while we only have 5 months left. I think I would actually stay, to be honest. I think you would want me to finish strong. I don't see what coming home and crying would do to help the rest of the family, the loved one that died, or the people I could have helped. I'll expect that from my son when he is serving.

This week we taught Kaylyn again and it went well. She brought a friend along who is not very interested so that made it tough to stay on topic, but it was a great opportunity for fellowship. We definitely had fun! The Stokes family hosted dinner for us. The Stokes (the family we live with) were both seminary teachers at one point, so they do very well with the youth.

We taught Enrique again! He was delighted to tell us about how he didn't drink at all last week, that was really cool especially since we haven't taught him the Word of Wisdom. We brought along the Stokes' son-in-law, Anthony. He's from El Salvador so it was awesome. he served his mission in Uruguay about 2 years ago, so he did a great job. It was nice to have a native with us that has such a great testimony, it really helped Enrique feel more comfortable I think.

We worked with a less-active woman in our ward this week named Joy Payne. She's so cool! She is from Zimbabwe and her husband is from Panama. They have two kids, one of which we are trying to baptize, Tfadzwa (Tuh-fadz-wuh.) Joy was in the hospital last week and then hospitalized again the week that just passed. She always has a smile on though. We hung out with her at the hospital for a couple of hours and gave her a blessing. She left the next day!

We worked on our ward mission leader's home this week as well. Brother and Sister Myler are both from the east coast and both served in Spain! Bro. Myler is fairly young at 24 and teaches 4th grade. He's very well rounded and level headed. He is very good at construction etc. so he is adding 3 rooms and a master Bdr plus bath to the other side of his house! We went over and helped install dry-wall. He wants it done in the next 5 years, so it's not a huge rush but he's at least doing enough to get it done in that time frame. He works on it daily. I told him I wanted to learn how to wire a house so he said "well then, lets do it!" So I learned a little bit about wiring, it was really neat. Heck, maybe I can work with Adam when I get home.

Not much else to report this week. I love you all very much.

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