Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Dec 23, 2009

Hey everyone!

It's my second P-Day here in the MTC and it's going to be a LONG one! Usually on p-days we go to the temple and spend the day there and then come back and start class again at 6, but today the temple is closed for cleaning so we have 11 hours to kill. It'll give me some time to freshen up my spanish though haha. This week we had a devotional and Elder Neil L. Anderson came to speak. Thanks to my parents I was lucky enough to meet him. I was a little scared! I was sitting in class at about 10 am and there's this big announcement in our building that said "Is Elder Conner Allred available?" And so I called up to the front desk and they said "the mission president needs to see you tonight at 6:30." AHHHHH! What the?! Well I found out that Elder Anderson wanted to meet me and so my companion and I got to meet him! It was really great! After we said hello and got some pictures the meeting had already started so we walked out the doors, center stage, 2000 missionaries staring at my comp, me, and Elder Anderson and the MTC staff sat my companion and me with the Anderson family!

This week has been a fantastic week; we have been having a lot of fun (not too much though). I'm starting to get a hang of things and the spanish is coming along really well. We have an "espanol day" coming up where we can only speak spanish, I wasn't too excited about that idea at first, but I'm sure with enough prayer and practice I'll be able to make it the whole day without speaking english.

Anyway, the MTC is great and the people are awesome! Hope all is well at home!
-Love Elder Conner Allred

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