Another interesting week in Central Falls has passed, this upcoming one is the last of the transfer actually! Time flies!
It has been getting really cold lately but we haven't had any snow yet. I know it's bumming out Elder Phillips because he just wants it to snow already! haha.
We went by the pentecostal family last week and they didn't show up! I sure felt good though because we weren't the ones to wuss out! It really goes to show who has more faith I think. We left a note and they haven't called. I hope they do.
I'm not sure when we are doing calls yet, but we'll know soon I'm sure.
Thanksgiving; we have been invited to a lot of different parties! So I'm not exactly sure, but we'll be ok! I think my sizes are the same. A purple iPod would be great. I think Elder Hansen might buy my iPod so I might sell it to him, but if you need it for someone at home let me know. I don't want to have two iPods, I already think it's a little silly to want a new one, but it's so shiny!!
Raymundo y Dinora ignored us sunday. We had a great lesson on Saturday night and committed them to be married, and they were iffy but said they'd pray and then go to church on sunday. Didn't happen, wouldn't answer the phone. Maria y Fernando didn't come either... And we committed Maria to stop smoking last Friday -- she didn't smoke all Saturday!! Then we saw her outside this morning smoking... Really frustrating. That's about all the exciting news about our investigators this week. Hopefully we start so see some fruits.
I feel like P-Days are a day to finally worry about our OWN salvation. We spend so much time worrying about everyone else it's finally a break to just sit down and enjoy the blessings we get haha. I got really frustrated last night because an investigator (Manuel) told me that we are OBVIOUSLY going to read the scriptures and pray etc. because we're preachers, but NORMAL people just don't have time. I WANTED TO CHOKE HIM! He clearly must be turning off his brain when I tell him that I have a family at home, I went to school full time, I had a full time job, I had a life!!!! But I made time for God because the time I have is given to me from God anyway! I then held up a card to him and told him about Jesus Christ, he didn't do ANYTHING for himself. His whole life was according to the will of the Father; yet Manuel doesn't want to take a few minutes out of his "busy day" to read the scriptures. These people clearly don't understand that church isn't just a fun party every sunday, it's your salvation! You WILL be cast out if you don't do what you are supposed to! Anyway....
Anyway, we had a dinner appointment with the Majangos family and it went really well. We talked about finding a testimony and patriarchal blessings.
Love you!!
I'm Praying for you!!
“…pues sabemos que es por la gracia por la que nos salvamos, después de hacer cuanto podamos” (2 Nefi 25: 23).
-Elder Conner Allred
p.s. I sent you a picture of us doing our laundry last week! We didn't have the washer because the elders in Pawtucket never answered their door.
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