That's good to hear about Pete! I hope he's going to be ok.
Those big bunch o' babies. When I get home I'll show them how to really eat spicy haha. They think they know spicy until you have home-made chipotle by a real mexican lady. That'll make your nose bleed!
Our ward has 4 elders, so the area is split. We visit the members in North Providence and Central Falls. They visit the people in Providence. Well, as of late, the members from providence have not been feeding them but instead have been inviting US over for dinner! Kind of bad, but also funny. It just goes to show, sometimes, you need to let go a little bit and have a laugh. One lady said "Are you coming to Thanksgiving at my house?" And I responded "Sure!!" So she went to ask the other elders if they wanted to come too, she told us that Elder Hansen said "Well, the point of these visits is to strengthen the spirit in your home, not just feed us." So she responded "Oh, well I won't have time for that, my whole family will be there." And walked away!!! I couldn't believe it! Elder Hansen is right, and I agree, but there ARE exceptions. Elder Phillips and I have actually been doing something kind of cool -- whenever we go to eat, instead of just leaving a simple "spiritual thought" we have started by doing the actual PMG lessons. So we're teaching these families the first lesson etc. So hopefully it will excite the members to bring more friends over to eat! So far it's working for us!!
Christmas, shirts -- more long sleeved shirts. I don't know what size I am, I can send it to you next week. GIft Cards are awesome. But I'm not really in dying need of anything, I'm pretty well off to be honest. I have every color of sharpie you could ever want, what else do I need?! I'm going to try to sell my iPod and buy the new nano, so if you know of anyone that wants my purple iPod at home -- let me know. It doesn't have a camera, but it can play video.
This week we found a new Mexican family! Raymundo and Dinora! They're fantastic, really catching on to the gospel. The husband was ok with baptism on our first visit when we talked about it. Dinora was a little set back, she has a really strong belief in la virgincita. But she said she wants to read, she also told me "Tu dudas de que voy a leer!" I was taken back! But it was a little true. She told us she actually loves to read and so we left 2 chapters with her. I think they'll make a great family in the church. They ahve one little daughter, Leslie and then it's them two, perfect! They've been married for 5 years and they talk openly about how much they appreciate one another. Raymundo told us how much he appreciates the fact that she is a good mother and cooks. I thought it was awesome to see that kind of love in not only a regular family these days, but a hispanic family, where the men are usually pretty hard-headed.
This week we found a new Mexican family! Raymundo and Dinora! They're fantastic, really catching on to the gospel. The husband was ok with baptism on our first visit when we talked about it. Dinora was a little set back, she has a really strong belief in la virgincita. But she said she wants to read, she also told me "Tu dudas de que voy a leer!" I was taken back! But it was a little true. She told us she actually loves to read and so we left 2 chapters with her. I think they'll make a great family in the church. They ahve one little daughter, Leslie and then it's them two, perfect! They've been married for 5 years and they talk openly about how much they appreciate one another. Raymundo told us how much he appreciates the fact that she is a good mother and cooks. I thought it was awesome to see that kind of love in not only a regular family these days, but a hispanic family, where the men are usually pretty hard-headed.
We are continuing with Maria, Fernando and the family. Hopefully things go well with them. We had a great lesson about families with Maria and Fernando last week but the kids didn't show up. Hopefully they took something from it. We found out they are not married, so we need to work on that as well. Lots to do in so little time! But we can do it! I can't think of too much else that has happened this week to be honest. Elder Phillips is doing great. We still have tons of cockroaches -- gross. Oh, and I made a delicious breakfast for myself this morning, you won't believe it unless you see it! So I attatched a photo.
I love you all, please pray for me!
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